Month: March 2024


This week for my task-board I choose a book called Trespass. It was about some kids who trespassed on someones land(what a shocker right??). They wanted to go to a swimming hole but there was a sign that said no trespassing. The man who owned the land saw them and was like”hey what are you guys doing on my land?” and then the were in a bit of trouble but then one of the kids helped with a job and he was like “ok you can go but no more trespassing ok guys”

A real steal blog 2

I’m blogging again about a real steal because I want to talk about the author’s regard for art. I don’t think he appreciates art or likes art because the characters think a pile of rubbish is “art”. The art critic says”cant you just see your life in that pile of social waste?”. He is an absolute nutter that art critic. At the end the patrons all excuse themselves because they have no wish to learn about all the art in the art gallery. Patron one says”I just remembered-I need to put the cat out”. Patron 2 says”And I have to put the cat in”. And patron 3 says”I don’t have a cat but it needs something”. So that’s my real steal blog 2.

A real steal

In reading this week for my task board I choose a book called the real steal. It’s a play and I thought it was a bit random like all the other plays that school journals do but I enjoyed it. The scene takes place at the art gallery. There are 3 patrons there(people who buy the paintings),a art critic,a security guard and the curator. A thief comes out of nowhere and wants to steal a painting but the art is all rubbish especially the art that was literally a pile of rubbish. In the end the thief stole nothing and the patrons brought nothing. It was random and funny. I liked it.